Welcome To Your New Job in Retirement It’s Monday morning. You wake up and try to clear the fog in your head. You flip on the TV and hear about the traffic mess you have to get through The day stretches in front of you with nothing on your calendar. What are Isn’t this supposed to be the day you’ve dreamed of for years? You were Perhaps you’ll consider a novel concept. Most people have never spent a lot Your new job could be the pursuit of happiness. Part of the deal with retirement is supposed to be an increase in happiness, However, you’ve always valued your ability to be productive. How does this Most of us want to be happy in retirement. Perhaps we think it will just It may surprise you to learn that happiness is the subject of actual The adage that “money can’t buy happiness” is not entirely true, the The massive house, the fabulous car, the exquisite jewelry do, indeed create So what does it then? What makes people happy in the long run? A number of First, structure. Yes, it’s great, as long as you can create a new kind of structure for your Second, purpose. Maybe you have something in mind already. Introspection may be necessary to Some retirees take up daily golf, some get involved with charities, and some Third, community. Creating community for yourself can take many forms. I recently did a Some retirees move to communities built just for you. Presto! Immediate Whatever your way will be, why not purposely seek happiness as your new job Start exploring. Plot your strategy just as you used to plan your workday. Get more connected in your community. With just a little effort, you’ll be surprised at how quickly your new job Carolyn L. Rosenblatt, R.N, Attorney |
Last Updated ( Friday, 10 September 2010 23:19 ) |