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Impaired Aging Parents Managing Real Estate Who’s Minding the Store?

Impaired Aging Parents Managing Real Estate Who’s Minding the Store? We’re seeing it more and more now at elders as landlords who can’t do the management job any longer. Sometimes it’s the adult children who bring the issue to our attention. They see Dad failing maintain those rental houses…
Carolyn Rosenblatt
April 12, 2022
agingaging parentBaby Boomers BurdencrisisdementiaDPOAElder CommunicationElder Financeselder financial abuseElder LawElder Psychologyelder relationshipseldersFamily ConflictFamily ConflictsParents with DementiaParents' FinancesseniorsUncategorized

Difficult Aging Parents and Loss of Wealth-How Far Do You Let It Go?

Difficult Aging Parents and Loss of Wealth-How Far Do You Let It Go? By Carolyn L. Rosenblatt, RN, Attorney, For some adult children who have unpleasant, oppositional aging parents, there is a strong motivation to stay out of their affairs. That’s understandable. No one likes to be yelled at…
Carolyn Rosenblatt
July 19, 2021

"My Dad Has Dementia-He's Being Horrible to Me!"

I’m hearing this same painful thing a lot lately. Aging parents who have “early dementia” are refusing help and verbally abusing their adult kids who are trying to help. In all these situations, the aging parent was a controlling type person before dementia developed. It could have been a business…
Mikol Davis
November 5, 2011