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Fixing Family Fights About Aging Parents Finances

Have you had to deal with this? Some families are being torn apart about disagreements over finances, care, aging parents and each other's roles. It often looks like this: Imagine that you have an aging loved one who has cognitive impairment.  You are aware that your loved one is "slipping".…
Mikol Davis
February 23, 2013
agingaging parentaging parentsagingparentsassisted livingBaby Boomers BurdenBlogboomerscarolyn rosenblattConsultationConsultingElder CareElder CommunicationElder FinancesElder PsychologyeldersExpert Answers to Caregivers QuestionsFamily ConflictFamily Conflictshealthnursing homesseniors

5 Things You Need To Do After A Holiday Visit With Aging Parents

Sometimes, there's just no substitute for a face to face visit.  Adult children may be getting a wake-up call this season when  you visit aging parents.  Little things you can't learn in a phone call can come to light. Their health may be a concern because you see visible changes…
Mikol Davis
November 26, 2012
agingaging parentsagingparentsBaby Boomers BurdenBlogElder CareElder CommunicationElder FinancesElder LawElder PsychologyeldersExpert Answers to Caregivers QuestionshealthHow It WorksInformationseniors

3 Critical Things Left Out Of The Health Care Reform Debate

The political battle on health care reform rages on. But the debate totally misses some important features of the Affordable Care Act that directly affect elders. Maybe people who oppose the Supreme Court decision don't want to look as if they are against elders so they avoid discussing a number…
Mikol Davis
July 5, 2012
agingaging parentsassisted livingBaby Boomers BurdenBlogConsultationConsultingElder CareElder CommunicationElder FinancesElder LawElder PsychologyeldersExpert Answers to Caregivers QuestionsFamily ConflictFamily ConflictshealthInformationseniorsStrategy Sessionstress

The Tough Question: Move In With Your Aging Parent?

The Tough Question: Move In With Your Aging Parent? We hope you are enjoying the beginning of spring and this time of renewal.  Mikol and I have recently moved our offices to new, brighter and better space and we're feeling very renewed!  Wouldn't you agree that there is nothing like…
Mikol Davis
May 10, 2012
agingaging parentsBaby Boomers BurdenBlogElder CareElder CommunicationElder PsychologyeldersExpert Answers to Caregivers QuestionsInformationseniorsStrategy Session

New Fraud Alert for Your Aging Parents

Carolyn and Mikol here. We just got in an alert from the The National Legal Resource Center (NLRC) and we wanted to share it with you. Can you believe this?   Professional criminals are now targeting people with diabetes to scam them for personal information. Here's how it works.  Someone pretending…
Mikol Davis
March 21, 2012
agingaging parentsassisted livingBaby Boomers BurdenBlogElder CareElder FinancesElder LawElder PsychologyeldersExpert Answers to Caregivers Questionslong term care insurancenursing homesseniors

Hidden Truths About Long Term Care Insurance

Hidden Truths About Long Term Care Insurance Should you or shouldn’t you? Seems as if someone is always promoting the purchase of long term care insurance. Most of us don’t want to think about getting old and needing anything like that. If we ever think about it, it’s a thing…
Mikol Davis
January 1, 2012

"My Dad Has Dementia-He's Being Horrible to Me!"

I’m hearing this same painful thing a lot lately. Aging parents who have “early dementia” are refusing help and verbally abusing their adult kids who are trying to help. In all these situations, the aging parent was a controlling type person before dementia developed. It could have been a business…
Mikol Davis
November 5, 2011