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aging parentBlogFamily

The Millennial Caregiver

Last week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to spend 4 days with my 94-year-old grandmother, Alice, in Southern California. She has recently moved into independent living in a senior community in Los Angeles, after living in Palm Springs for the previous 31 years. Grandma became a widow 9 years…
Carolyn Rosenblatt
March 9, 2017
aging parentBlog

Really? Korean Women Live Longer Than U.S. Women?

mother and daughter walking Many of us probably think most Americans are living longer these days. We think our country is doing great as far as longevity goes. Unfortunately, recent research shows, not so much. A study published in the prestigious journal Lancet describes some truths we may not know about longevity…
Carolyn Rosenblatt
February 27, 2017
agingaging parentaging parentsBlogboomerscarolyn rosenblattElder CommunicationeldersFamily ConflictFamily Conflictshealthseniors

Resolving Family Conflict and Aging Parent Issues

Resolving Family Conflict and Aging Parent Issues - Carolyn Rosenblatt In this interview, Carolyn Rosenblatt, Co-Founder of,,  and Author of "The Boomers Guide to Aging Parents," The Family Guide To Aging Parents," and Succeed With Senior Clients: A Financial Advisors Guide To Best Practice," (available on our website…
Carolyn Rosenblatt
September 30, 2016
agingaging parentaging parentsagingparentsanxietyBaby Boomers BurdenBlogboomerscrisiselder abuseElder CommunicationElder Financeselder financial abuseElder LawElder Psychologyelder relationshipseldersFamily ConflictFamily Conflictsfinanceshealth care directivehealthcare directivehealthcare directivesParents' Financesseniorsstress

Would You Immediately Recognize These Elder Abuse Hidden Scams?

Most days at I get a call from an adult child of an elder, asking me about shady dealings over a parent’s finances. Sometimes it’s the niece, grandson, or other family member the caller is worried about. Sometimes it’s the caller’s sibling whose actions are in question. And all the…
Carolyn Rosenblatt
October 3, 2014
agingaging parentaging parentsagingparentsBaby Boomers BurdenBlogboomersElder CareElder CommunicationElder Psychologyeldershealthseniorsstresssuccessful aging

5 Success Tips In Caring For Difficult Parents

First, we do have to put ourselves first sometimes.  What's best for us, best for our own families and our own peace of mind must be a serious consideration.  Sacrificing our sanity for the sake of caregiving is not the best choice. Delegate and find others to help if having…
Carolyn Rosenblatt
April 22, 2014
Blogcarolyn rosenblattConsultationConsultingElder Financeselder financial abuseelder relationshipsFamily ConflictFamily ConflictsParents' Financessiblings

3 Brothers Battle Over Mom's Care and How to Pay for It: Is There A Solution?

This is a real situation, all too common. Three brothers are engaged in pitched battle over their mother's care and how to pay for it.  Mom is severely demented and can't care for herself independently. She had long term care insurance, but she has almost exhausted that benefit.  Her only…
Mikol Davis
April 15, 2014
agingaging parentaging parentsagingparentsBlogConsultationConsultingElder Carehealth care directivehealth care directiveshealthcare directivehealthcare directivesParents with Dementia

What If You Try To Help Your Aging Parent With Dementia And No One Listens?

Hi, Carolyn here. I hope you are doing well and getting through your day. Today we’re discussing frustrations with the healthcare directive (a document that enables you to act on another person's behalf for healthcare decisions).  Sometimes its also called a healthcare power of attorney, or a living will.  Not…
Mikol Davis
March 31, 2014