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Dear AgingParents Family:

Carolyn and Mikol here, wishing each of you moms and your moms a happy Mother’s Day.
We are fortunate to have a mom to wish good things to on this day.  Mikol’s Mom, Alice, is still doing very well at age 90.  She inspires us all in the way she takes good care of herself. She goes to the pool for a workout every other day, takes her medications exactly as prescribed, watches her diet, keeps her weight in line and stays engaged with those around her.  She goes on the internet every day, and goes to movies by herself. She takes classes as the university extension every school year. She has a friend who sends her jokes and she passes the good ones on to us.  She knows how to laugh, no matter what happens.  We hope to follow her example of aging well.
And here’s a story to share about Grandma Pearl, in our own Marin County, California. She’s doing something positive this Mother’s Day too. Jewish Grandmother to Spread Message of Worry and Happiness this Mother’s Day at Bay Area Hospital
89 year-old entrepreneur and inspirational speaker Pearl Malkin (AKA “Grandma Pearl”)
will be encouraging children and their mothers to worry about each other just a little bit
more this Mother’s Day, May 12.
As the 89 year-old inspiration for the book The Jewish Mother’s Guide to Professional Worry and octogenarian founder of a start-up business, Happy Canes, Grandma Pearl will be spreading happiness with just a touch of worry this Mother’s Day at the Marin General Hospital on Sun., May 12.
This Mother’s Day, Grandma Pearl will be reminding people that one of the best ways to be happy is to “worry about one another just a little bit each day.” Grandma Pearl will be signing books and signature Happy Canes for the hospital’s patients.
In addition to The Jewish Mother’s Guide to Professional Worry, Grandma Pearl has been inspiring people of all ages with the Kickstarter success of Happy Canes. Grandma Pearl’s message,
“I just wanted to see the world smiling and laughing.”Grandma Pearl’s recent write-ups and appearances include: CNN Money, The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and the San Francisco Chronicle.
More power to Grandma Pearl.  We love her attitude.
Some of you may be finding that this Mother’s Day is challenging  because your mom is not well, or you are struggling in some way with caring for your loved ones. Remember that is here for you. We offer you our expertise, our support and guidance, just a phone call away.  Get our help with your personal challenges with your aging parents.  Your initial session is complimentary.
P.S.  If you have an inspirational story to share with us, send to Dr. Davis at  We love hearing from you!
Oh yes here is a little video clip we just shot, CLICK HERE
Until next time,
Carolyn Rosenblatt & Dr Mikol Davis

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