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aging parent is diagnosed with dementiaaging parentsAlzheimer’s diseaseBlood test for Alzheimer’s disease

Will We Have A New Quick Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Disease?

The dreaded brain disease, Alzheimer’s, is considered difficult to diagnose. For one thing, it comes on gradually in most cases and initially has no physical symptoms like pain or trouble moving around. Doctors usually first hear that a person has some problems with short term memory. Not much happens until…
Mikol Davis
August 6, 2024
agingaging parent is diagnosed with dementiaaging parentsdementiaDifficult Aging ParentDPOADurable Power of Attorney

Know This: Your Aging Parent Living At A Distance May Be At Risk

American families are often scattered across the country. Kids grow up, find opportunities they like in other places and move away from home. The parents may stay put, happy to remain where they’ve lived most of their lives. Then aging happens. And with it, risks no one really thought about.…
Carolyn Rosenblatt
November 15, 2023