Are You on the Hook for Mom's Nursing-Home Bill? • By KELLY GREENE, Wall Street Journal Thought you were immune from your parents' debts? Not so fast. Twenty-nine states have "filial support" laws that could be used to go after patients' adult children for unpaid long-term-care bills. In at least…
Mikol DavisJune 25, 2012
That little pang of sadness on Father's Day is back. I feel it quietly, when my husband is opening his cards and we get together with our kids. I don't have anyone to send a card to today and no one to call on the phone to wish him a…
Mikol DavisJune 17, 2012
The Tough Question: Move In With Your Aging Parent? We hope you are enjoying the beginning of spring and this time of renewal. Mikol and I have recently moved our offices to new, brighter and better space and we're feeling very renewed! Wouldn't you agree that there is nothing like…
Mikol DavisMay 10, 2012
Where in the USA Do Men Live the Longest? Hello again. Carolyn and Mikol here. We hope that spring has brightened your life in some way, as it has ours. I was struck by a recent article in our local news, the Independent Journal. It noted that a recent study by…
Mikol DavisApril 26, 2012
Getting rebuffed hurts. Have you ever tried to talk to your aging parent about finances and been told to take a hike? "Just mind your own business. I'll be fine". Or has your aging parent ever said, "Let's talk about that some other time" when you bring up the subject…
Mikol DavisApril 19, 2012
Carolyn and Mikol here. We just got in an alert from the The National Legal Resource Center (NLRC) and we wanted to share it with you. Can you believe this? Professional criminals are now targeting people with diabetes to scam them for personal information. Here's how it works. Someone pretending…
Mikol DavisMarch 21, 2012
We all remember the Beatles song lyrics "will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm 64?" Well, having just passed that milestone in my life, I am remembering what I thought about being 64 years old, viewed through youth's prism. It sounded really far away. It…
Mikol DavisFebruary 24, 2012
Hidden Truths About Long Term Care Insurance Should you or shouldn’t you? Seems as if someone is always promoting the purchase of long term care insurance. Most of us don’t want to think about getting old and needing anything like that. If we ever think about it, it’s a thing…
Mikol DavisJanuary 1, 2012