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Legal Issues: Protecting Your Wishes and Assets Part 2 (Power of Attorney)

By April 20, 2014No Comments

Legal Part II – Power of Attorney 7:11
There are times in life when you or your parent is not able to make certain legal or financial decisions. When those times come, having a trusted family member or friend be able to make decisions, carry out financial transactions or other non-medical choices means givng them your “power of attorney” (POA), the legal tool that authorizes them to act on your behalf. There are many types of POAs but all of them have the same underlying structure. That is that you need to decide who you can trust to make decisions for you and be certain that the person you choose is aware of the trust, responsibility, and
legal power that you are giving them. This program is a great start to understanding the complexities of a power of attorney including the important issue of how to choose the right person who you want to act on your behalf when you are unable to do so for yourself.

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