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Family Dynamics Part 1 & 2

By April 20, 2014No Comments

Part I – Middle of the Night 6:42
Why does it always seem to happen in the middle of the night? So many of us get that call telling us that a parent has suddenly been taken to the hospital and guess what – your life is about to get a lot more complicated. The good news is that you can prepare in advance for such an emergency. This
program focuses on what you can do, today, to make the plans that will be put in place when your parent has a medical emergency. This is useful information that you can use to begin planning for a more certain future.
Part II – Talking with Your Parents 13:48
No one wants to think about getting old or the responsibility of caring for an aging parent. That’s why so many of us stay in denial and try not to think about it. We also know that staying in denial can create enormous problems for your parent, you, and your own family. So we have to suck it up and be grownups. This program will give you practical ideas and direction to help you effectively talk with your parents and your siblings to develop a plan to help care for a parent. Don’t put it off, start talking today about what plans your parents have made for their later years and how you as their caring child can
help. Good information here for both adult child and aging parents – share it with those who eventually will be called on for help and long-term caring.

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