Lots of Boomer-aged siblings find themselves fighting about their aging parents. Should Mom be allowed to stay in her home even though she's really not safe living alone? How about the driving issue? Does one parent have Alzheimer's or some other dementia and some siblings are in denial about it? …
Mikol DavisAugust 1, 2012
Listen to our own Carolyn Rosenblatt get interviewed by Blogtalkradio. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/carolynabrent/2012/07/26/meet-carolyn-l-rosenblatt-rn-eldercare-attorney
Mikol DavisJuly 25, 2012
Hidden Truths About Reverse Mortgages Who would ever think of a reverse mortgage being a form of financial elder abuse? There are some hidden dangers in these products and you need to know about them. Unsuitable mortgages are abusive. They are not right for some people over 62. Mikol and…
Mikol DavisJuly 24, 2012
The political battle on health care reform rages on. But the debate totally misses some important features of the Affordable Care Act that directly affect elders. Maybe people who oppose the Supreme Court decision don't want to look as if they are against elders so they avoid discussing a number…
Mikol DavisJuly 5, 2012
Are You on the Hook for Mom's Nursing-Home Bill? • By KELLY GREENE, Wall Street Journal Thought you were immune from your parents' debts? Not so fast. Twenty-nine states have "filial support" laws that could be used to go after patients' adult children for unpaid long-term-care bills. In at least…
Mikol DavisJune 25, 2012
That little pang of sadness on Father's Day is back. I feel it quietly, when my husband is opening his cards and we get together with our kids. I don't have anyone to send a card to today and no one to call on the phone to wish him a…
Mikol DavisJune 17, 2012
Did you ever ask your aging parents how many prescriptions they are taking? The answer could surprise you. Sometimes there are so many pill bottles, no one is keeping track of all of them. Parents' memory loss, too many drugs to track easily, lack of money to pay for…
Mikol DavisMay 31, 2012
Hello, again. Carolyn and Mikol here. We came across an article about a shocking case involving a son being stuck with his mother's nursing home bill. We wanted to give you a heads-up, as most people would never expect this. Could this happen to you? John Pittas’ mother entered a…
Mikol DavisMay 21, 2012