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Are You on the Hook for Mom's Nursing-Home Bill?

Are You on the Hook for Mom's Nursing-Home Bill? •    By KELLY GREENE, Wall Street Journal Thought you were immune from your parents' debts? Not so fast. Twenty-nine states have "filial support" laws that could be used to go after patients' adult children for unpaid long-term-care bills. In at least…
Mikol Davis
June 25, 2012
agingaging parentsassisted livingBaby Boomers BurdenBlogConsultationConsultingElder CareElder CommunicationElder FinancesElder LawElder PsychologyeldersExpert Answers to Caregivers QuestionsFamily ConflictFamily ConflictshealthInformationseniorsStrategy Sessionstress

The Tough Question: Move In With Your Aging Parent?

The Tough Question: Move In With Your Aging Parent? We hope you are enjoying the beginning of spring and this time of renewal.  Mikol and I have recently moved our offices to new, brighter and better space and we're feeling very renewed!  Wouldn't you agree that there is nothing like…
Mikol Davis
May 10, 2012