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Baby Boomers BurdenBlog

For Elders, It May Also Take A Village

Pamela A. MacLean The desire to keep living at home as we age has spawned a movement known as the "senior village" in which volunteers - from Boston's Beacon Hill to Northern California's Marin County - provide mutual support for elders living at home. The "villages" aren't places, but…
Mikol Davis
November 3, 2011

Book Reviews of The Boomers Guide

The Boomer's Guide to Aging Parents: The Complete Guide Customer Buzz The Boomer's Guide to Aging Parents offers practical solutions to common legal and health care problems caregivers and adult children of aging loved ones face every day. It offers step-by-step solutions for dealing with dangerous older drivers, choosing home…
Mikol Davis
November 3, 2011
BlogElder Psychology

A Promise We Can Keep

The air has a particular scent there. The smell of pines and salt. The quiet is palpable, a refuge. There is a peace about the place, having to do with smallness, open space, little traffic. The beauty is breathtaking. My husband and I, with a couple of other family members,…
Mikol Davis
November 3, 2011
BlogElder Psychology

Tips for Teaching Seniors Computers

Tips for Teaching Seniors Computers Written By : Michael Gorzka I've been teaching library computer classes since 1997. Here are my top 10 tips for teaching seniors how to use a computer. 1) State the goals of the class before you begin instructing. People will come into a class with…
Mikol Davis
November 3, 2011
BlogElder Psychology

Are You Ignoring Your Mental Wellness?

Are You Ignoring Your Mental Wellness? By Dr. Mikol S. Davis Maybe the new year brings with it the usual resolutions to lose weight, get more exercise, and take care of other neglected things. But have you ever heard of making a resolution to take better care of your mental…
Mikol Davis
November 3, 2011
BlogElder Psychology

Old Farts On Viagra

Old Farts on Viagra By Carolyn L. Rosenblatt, R.N., B.S.N., Attorney, This may sound like a flippant title, but the subject can be a serious one. What happens when an elderly male, who was formerly not sexually active, gets himself a prescription for Viagra, or an equivalent, and begins to…
Mikol Davis
November 3, 2011
About UsBlog

Boomers Guide Description

The Boomer's Guide to Aging Parents will relieve your stress and confusion about caring for aging loved ones. It covers a range of common difficulties many of us face in trying to navigate this often confusing journey. If you want to be a good advocate but don’t know how, you’ll…
Mikol Davis
November 3, 2011
BlogElder Communication

Mom! Look Out!

Mom! Look Out! By Carolyn L. Rosenblatt, R.N., B.S.N., Attorney Falls are one of the most common reasons aging persons enter nursing homes. Falls are a major cause of serious injury in older adults. You’ve seen the common scenario: Mom falls at home and breaks a hip. She has surgery,…
Mikol Davis
November 3, 2011
agingaging parentaging parentsBlogdangerous older driverElder CommunicationElder LawElder Psychologyelderly drivereldersFamily ConflictFamily Conflictsolder driverseniorsstress

Five Quick Tips For Handling A Dangerous Older Driver

In the 29 years I handled personal injury cases, most of them were car accidents. I represented injured people hundreds of times. When the victim was hit by an elder or older driver who should never have been driving, I always wondered why no one had taken the car keys…
Mikol Davis
November 3, 2011

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